Early Mornings for Early Birds!

Early Mornings for Early Birds!

It’s time!!  Fans of the blog will remember in my first blog post, I talked about how excited I was to see a Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus). I’m happy to report that the lekking season has once again begun! Once a week since January 17th, Emma...

Sunsets and Smammals

Last month, we wrapped up small mammal trapping. Affectionately known as “smammaling,” small mammal trapping is both exhausting and rewarding. To prevent the smammals from baking inside the traps all day, we set traps just before sunset and pick them up just after...

Who Gives a Scat?

When I took this job I did not think I would have to deal with so much poop! I mean I should’ve guessed what “collecting bison biometric data” on the job listing was a euphemism for, but ce la vie! Don’t get me wrong, poop is an incredibly useful biological tool!...