Whoop there it is!

With the changing of the seasons from summer to fall the majority of our surveys are wrapped up. Eleanor and I have been collecting seeds for future restoration efforts and helping out wherever needed. But the one survey that starts around the beginning of  October,...

Fall Crane Blog 1

Hey all! Surprised to hear from me so soon? It’s Crane Season again!… Wait… it’s not March! It may not be March or the spring crane migration, but what goes up (north) must come down (south). It’s the fall crane migration! Cranes are leaving their breeding...

Sunsets and Smammals

Last month, we wrapped up small mammal trapping. Affectionately known as “smammaling,” small mammal trapping is both exhausting and rewarding. To prevent the smammals from baking inside the traps all day, we set traps just before sunset and pick them up just after...

Fishy Fridays!

When August rolls around it brings with it more surveys and fun! One of the surveys that starts in August is our fish seining and slough condition monitoring. Collecting data from the sloughs helps us to understand what is available for Whooping Cranes, Sandhill...