Crane Count Week 2 – 2/24/2024

Another record week! On February 24, 2024, we estimated 122,700 + 9,100 Sandhill Cranes between Chapman and Overton, NE. A large majority of these cranes were roosting between highway 34 and Wood River, with only a few thousand spread out throughout the remaining...

Crane Count Week 1 – 2/14/2024

On February 14th, 2024, we estimated 38,000 ± 6,800 Sandhill Cranes between Chapman and Overton, NE. This is the highest count on record during the first week of our aerial surveys! * Most of these cranes were located between Grand Island and Wood River, NE which is...
Whooping Crane Behavioral Surveys

Whooping Crane Behavioral Surveys

The whooping crane, Grus americana, is the largest bird in North America. Its feathers are completely white except for black wing tips, a red patch on its forehead, and black patches on its head. Standing five feet tall and soaring on an eight-foot wingspan, these...

Crane Count Week 0 – Preseason Update

Next week, we take the first of our yearly aerial crane count surveys of 2024! I would say that this time of year has snuck up on us but if you have been staying up to date on happenings around the Crane Trust you know the cranes have not necessarily given us a break...
♫Burn Prairie Burn♫

♫Burn Prairie Burn♫

On October 23rd, we completed an 80-acre prescribed burn on Crane Trust property. Turning the grassland black and creating a smokey sky. Prescribed burns are controlled fires that are lit to fulfill some kind of land management goal. At the Crane Trust, we burn to...
Bison Working At The Crane Trust

Bison Working At The Crane Trust

Top left: Pie chart displaying the genetics of our 2023 yearling heifers. Bottom left: Labeled bison working setup:1-Holding pen 2-Funneling alley3-Separation Alley4-Swing tub 5-Lead-Up Alley 6-Squeeze chute 7-Separation chute8-Post Working PensRight: Yearling bison...